Go Karting Time

Ahh that was fun lets go go karting today we drove 30 minutes to get to there and it is a indoor go kart place it has 3 layers its our turn it goes for 20 minutes each turn so I get into the kart and start driving it is so fun that i want it to never end because there is hills and then down ramps my turn finished and we drove home and had dinner we had subway then cookies and had a great day then mum said bed time then suddenly a flash of light then darkness.

The kayak across the river to get breakfast

Ahh that was a good sleep lets go to a food bar across the lake so I had to oar across the lake and got to the food bar and they were serving wrinkled mushrooms I really did not want to come across a lake in a kayak to have mushrooms I wistful that idea I kayak across the lake again to get some ice-cream and I live ice cream I got cookies and cream ice-cream that flavour rules the world lets go for a walk home to get my kayak back in the garage before mum sees I was out on the lake mum said that I am not allowed on the lake without her.   




The beach vacation

Crash I here this wave crash outside our house then that’s when I realise that we were on a vacation. Mum said lets have breakfast we have our breakfast. We are on our way to the beach its takes a 2 min walk to get to the beach then my bro said lets go in the water now we are in the water and it is 3:30 pm in the afternoon the sun goes down and we walk home and have dinner then dad said its bed time  we get into our bed and turn off the light then suddenly darkness enveloped the room.