The Day At The Field

Ahh the soccer carnival at school there it tents everywhere it it the whole field / oval it is a big field. I am very exited but my friends are very sad that it is a big field, but does it make any difference to me. I don’t think so the game starts I have the ball and I am running to the goal when someone kicks my shin. I am very sad I had to come off the field for some ice I am very sad that I can’t play the game. It hurts but I push through it.

The Morning Walk

Ahh what a beautiful day to go for a morning walk it is 26 degrees it was a long walk around I got ice cream when I was walking it was hot but I was nice I got home and I wanted to go to the beach it was 30 kilometres away it was a super long walk but on the way to the beach I found a bus yay transport I don’t have to walk again I was so happy it was 3 dollars to get to the beach by the time I paid and found a seat there was 22 kilometres left to travel it took 10 mins to get there yay.

The Day At The Beach

One hot sunny day I went to go to the beach on the way I seen a building on fire there was smoke everywhere in the air the air smelt like a fire because there was a fire it was so bad I got to the beach and had a good time and the water was very cold and it felt there was ice in the water I went home to have a big sleep and the house smelt like smoke it was so bad like there was a fire in the house it was bad but I sleeped through it.